Happy employees are highly productive, motivated and are satisfied. These factors are vital to ensuring low employee turnover. Employers are faced with the challenge of increasing job satisfaction to keep their businesses competitive.

• Identify unhappy employees: The first step in fostering a happy workplace is to pay close attention to unhappy staff. This can be done by picking out of non-verbal cues that indicate dissatisfaction. For instance, breaking eye contact if asked to handle an additional task or putting in additional hours may indicate dissatisfaction. This can be mitigated through the creation of a positive work business credit in which employees will view the job not just as an income source.

• Rewarding and recognizing achievements: Recognizing the achievements of your employees is an effective tool for enhancing motivation. Informal celebrations every once in a while after an achievement are more effective than holding a yearly celebration. Provision of training opportunities encourages workers to take up new challenges and learn new skills. Besides, most workers view this as a career advancement opportunity.

• Ensure employee engagement: Engaged employees have a sense of purpose and belonging to the company they work for. Engagement can be achieved through enhancing positive relationships among them, providing opportunities where their abilities and skills are put to use, and establishing positive relations between workers and their immediate supervisors. Set up the office in a way that nurtures free communication, and solve disputes fairly and respectfully. Carrying out job specific seminars and training in which employees are educated on their particular line of operation helps them know what is expected of them.

The attitude the employees have is a direct representation of the company itself. Though adding on to their benefits or compensations may temporarily please them, the above inexpensive changes will have a positive long-term impact on their happiness. For more on how to foster a positive business credit, visit Growth Commercial Capital.