Businesses today have many options for sustainability. From solar hot water systems, office supplies made from recycled products and locally-sourced products, reducing your reliance on natural resources not only is environmentally friendly, but it offers benefits that go beyond being green. Look for ways to be a sustainable business and enjoy these advantages:
Going green saves money.
Using less paper by making your office rely on digital files can reduce your need for paper, ink and equipment. Investing in solar hot water heaters or solar paneling can reduce your utility bills. Holding conference calls instead of traveling saves a lot of money on gas and other fees. There may be tax credits you can leverage for even more savings. Recycle old electronics to non-profits or schools and get a tax deduction. Reuse products in your business to keep from buying new. Avoid using materials unnecessarily to avoid buying them.
Going green attracts new customers.
Today’s consumers want to support sustainable businesses. When you focus on sustainable efforts and use that information in marketing, it makes your business stand out. Using local resources benefits your community and keeps tax dollars at home, also benefiting your neighbors and potential customers. Your sustainable business is an organic marketing tool.
Going green improves your business sustainability.
When you reduce the environmental impact of your business, you can deal with the rising costs of doing business more effectively than competitors. This increases the long-term success of your business. You’re setting yourself up for success when you reduce your reliance on the electric grid by installing solar panels or reducing your air travel to save money. It’s good for the environment, but it also helps your business stay in business.
GrowthCC has financing options to help your business find new ways to be sustainable. Ask us for more information.